Friday, December 7, 2012


As a wife and mother I take on many challenges everyday...sometimes those challenges are easily solved and others take some time to plow through.  One challenge that I always seem to have is within my marriage, now don't get me wrong~I love my husband to the moon and back~but some times relationships take a lot of work.  I was recently chatting with a very romantic man who was having issues with his wife.  He loves her to the moon and beyond but she has yet to show him in return those very same feelings.  I feel the need to help him~as he seems to be at his whits end.  I know every marriage has it's issues~especially when you throw a few kids in there.  lol  There is never time for each other like early in the relationship~those old patterns of flowers, gifts and candy seem to go out the window.  Now romantic dinner consist of Mac and cheese or Mc I like both of those places but sometimes wish too to have candle light and romantic music.....

My Love Bugs.
I remember one day my husband (then boyfriend) went in to the gas station~when he came back out to his car he had something in a bag.  He proudly handed it to me with a huge grin on his face like a small child with a quarter.  I opened the bag and there was a box~a small clear plastic box~within that box was a silly little pot with these little ladybugs with legs that moved when you shook it.  They were love bugs.  I still smile when I think about it.  I still have those little love bugs~14 years later.  I think it's in the small things~my husband loves to be silly~and I love to get gifts.  lol

When I was still in school and he was on his way home from work going to college~he would pass through and leave notes on the dash of my vehicle~just silly little things.  I loved the surprise of finding those notes and if I dig out the box I believe I still have many of them.  :)  I think it's vital to any relationship to remember those early times in your relationship~the reason that you feel madly in love.  My husbands grandparents had been married for over 60 years.  His grandfather passed away a few years ago and his grandmother was left here to morn the loss of her only true love.  She still has many of his things in her apartment, she still talks to him every morning......I think it is the sweetest thing I have ever heard.  She misses him like crazy and can't wait for the day until they are able to be together again.  She is an amazing woman~she stays strong when I think I would have slowly died without the man that I love.  She tells me often when we visit her that she hopes that my husband and I make it to those same 60+ years~I always look at her in wonder and some disbelief~not sure that I want 60+ years of the same man that sometimes gets on my nerves.  lol  ;)  I admire her strength and love for her husband.

Trying out the clay mask he bought for me.  :)

And yes there are always times that I want to pick up the nearest frying pan and give my husband a good whack in the back of the head~but when he turns around and flashes those baby blue eyes my heart turns into a puddle.  Without those times of frustration and wonder I think love would go astray.  You would forget what makes you weak in the knees in the first place.  I know there are times that I take for granted that my husband works all day long to provide a home for us~as he walks in the door late and I want to reach for that pan.........but I have to remember he is walking in late for me.  He only wants to provide the very best for me and that takes money......unfortunately money doesn't grow on trees.  lol

So I would challenge you to sit down with a piece of paper and write down a list of things that you and your spouse did in the early years~before kiddo's..... the things that you once loved to do and miss like crazy.  Then make a list of things that you love about your spouse........I bet your list will be longer than what you think it might.  :)  Remember those silly moments that you shared......even those intimate moments that make you blush~I think all of those things are important to remember if we want to build our relationships stronger.  Remember all those times too that made you cry and want to walk away~but always remember what made you stay.
A nice spring walk, 1998.

Our little family on our wedding day, July 27, 2002

My senior prom~2000