Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Pieces of Me

 So lately I have been feeling not so much like myself.  There are some HUGE changes happening in my life and I must learn that I can not control many of them.  I was told about 2 weeks ago that one of my best friends is moving 24 hrs 34 mins / 1542.54 miles away from me!! (yes I map quested it!) lol  I was shocked to say the least~we never take the time to appreciate the small things in life such as our friendships.  We just always think those people will be there.  So this was a major shock to my system~I had never given any thought to any of my girls moving away~maybe across town but this was a little too far for my likings.  It felt like someone was ripping my arm off of me~not even the left one~the RIGHT ONE~the one I use the most.  lol  The pain of this new idea has been growing in the pit of my stomach....something that I can't control.  I totally understand that they need to take these steps to make their lives better~so I am truly happy for them in that aspect.  I guess that I am being a tad bit selfish.  You never think that you will lose someone that has become your sister, you think that they will always be there for you when you need them.  Yes there is Facebook but I will miss the most the times that you run into each other at the Dollar Store and stand and talk for an hour~or sitting at the library when a man in a skirt walks by.  Even the times that your sitting in the window of a restaurant and they come streaking by to surprise you~when their husband okay them to leave~even when they were ready for bed.......I will miss those times.  I will miss the family get togethers when the 16 of our children finally interact over craw dad races and glow bracelets.  It's those little unexpected moments that aren't planned that I will miss.  Or teaching/learning to roller skate~watching the face of an amazing little boy light up when he is doing the exact same thing as everyone else, when it was never thought possible.  So....would it be wrong of me to want to sabotage their move~~sugar in their gas tank or slash their tires??  lol  ;)  I know life will carry on and we will still talk in Facebook and I will time.