Friday, January 17, 2014

Becoming a parent

It's been WAY TOO LONG since I last blogged.  You guys should really get after me about that!!  ;)  So 2014.......hope it's been going well for all of you!!  With a new year comes resolutions that we all know will sooner rather than later be broken.  I never make them anymore~I make goals instead.  Goals to reach for, goals to climb my personal mountains to reach.  One goal that so many people have set for their lives is becoming a parent.  Parenting is one of the most challenging and yet rewarding thing ever.  You have the fun of trying to get pregnant, lol, the not so fun part of delivering that beautiful bundle, and the life long task of taking care of that precious cargo.  Yes babies are adorable, but they also have a long list of things that are not so cute about them.  Lets talk the screaming because you left the room, screaming just because I'm bored and I can, pooping in the most unconvenient places ever, throwing up, the list could go on and on........Unless you get one of those perfect models~yeah....what is that??!!  I love the time I had with my children as the grew, I would never change any of that for any amount of money you could possibly pay me.  But as my life is now~I actually like to sleep the entire night and enjoy not having to wipe anyone's checks but my own.  Once baby fever hits you it's pretty hard not to want to jump right in there. 

But many people seem to think that babies are disposable.  You just have one, raise it for a little while and then when your done you just walk away from it.  But what happens to the child, what is their life going to look like for the rest of it??  Having a baby is a life long commitment that you can't just decide one day, oh their cute so lets do this.  Children are here forever, or till death do us part.  They are put into our lives to teach us about ourselves and them as well.  I know my kiddo's have taught me how much stronger I can be when I need to.  I was a teen parent that succeeded where I needed to, we discovered we were pregnant with our second only to loose the pregnancy, which in turn make us contemplate when we wanted to add to our family.  So we fought long and hard to get pregnant with our second daughter, we threw caution to the wind with our third and discovered that something that came so easy might just be harder than you had originally thought.  Our last addition came as a complete shock to our family~but is just what we needed to complete us as a family.  I would never trade any of my girls (well........) The are life lessons, some that we may need to learn sooner than others.

Then there are the families that would love to add to their lives but for reason beyond any of us just can't.  That makes me look at the people who just because they can have babies.  So many children live the lives as someone door mat simply because they have no other choice, they are children.  As parents we promise to give our children all of the best things that we can, not saying money but love and understanding.  Any person can have sex and carry a baby~it takes someone with that special love and understanding to be a parent.  One of my best friends in the world has been hoping for a baby for such a long time.  I'm not going into details for their privacy.  :)  I have been by their side as much as I can and ache for them.  I know their desire and passion for children~and sit helpless at their side.  I would love to help them reach their dreams of their own little one, but what is there that I can do??  I have thought about carrying the child for them~but I know that would never work out as planned, I love too deep.  From the moment I felt my child move inside of me I loved them more than I can even describe.  I'm not sure how that would feel, carrying someone that you know you can never have a part of.......I really wish I could rewire my brain to think that way, if only it were that easy.  lol 

I guess I went on a pointless  kids will do that to you.  I just want to remind people to think about what they are getting into.  Babies are forever, till death do us part.