Monday, November 26, 2012

Fuzzy Navel, long island ice tea.........

There's a story behind every great friendship......

Fuzzy navel, long island ice tea, liquid cocaine and mellow yellow.........what a great night.  What you start out to be just a quite night with one friend and some fries turns into a great night with a few added friends.  The invitation is always open to those who want to join~disappointment is always there when they turn you down, but excitement is abundant when they come running up to the window waving!!  lol  And when another formular face walks up to the table we are more than happy to move over a chair!!  I may wear a taco shell on my head but what fun is it if you can't break lose with your girls??  We talked about many things that night~things and people that I won't apologize about.  :)  When asked what was said the fuzzy navel might have cleared some of my memories as what was said that night stays within that night!!  :)

 I can say that I love the impromptu  meetings with the girls as they are far and few between.  But they are so much needed too~as stay at home moms we all need a break where we can speak freely and have no worries that someone is going to taddle on us.  We are all grown adults and if we choose to behave like a adolescent then we shall be treated that way.  There will always be the people that pout when they weren't "invited" up to join but I might say they never asked either.  Our meeting was in a public place where anyone is invited~not like we hide it from anyone.  Sometimes we just need time away from the drama only to find that we have created more in doing so.  lol  It was never the intention to exclude anyone from the fun~just happened to happen that way.  I am a believer that if you wait to be asked then you may parish while waiting.  If you go through life waiting for people to ask you to join them then what kind of a life do you have??  I am not pointing fingers at anyone here either!!  lol  Just saying what is on my mind. 

There will be stories from that night out~I was made into a sandwich (which I think I made a great middle piece) as the others were having a convo around me and I just bopped from one to the other (good thing too cause one person didn't have a clue who they were talking to!)  Seeing a person backing down the main street in your small town makes you believe that you have had a few too many drinks until the sober man beside you asks if you saw it too!!  I might add that I only had 2 drinks so I was no where near feeling the "fuzzy" of the navel I was drinking.  That night we also popped a cherry so to say of one of our gals.  lol  Never been in a bar no more missy!!  And the rumors are proven to be lies as she went home with the same people she came in with!!  ;)  And as we exit the bar one of us pushes the way past the bar stools like she owns them!!  Hahahaha.....I can still see it.  :)  Stories like these build great friendships and makes you remember that we are all people that deep down inside just want to have fun.  Even thought we lost one along the way we have created many more...........

Love my girls and can't wait for the next time ladies............ ;)

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