Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Do you ever feel like life is a delusion??  You see things the way YOU want them to be, but with a set of clear, open eyes things are much different than they one seemed??  Lately I seem to have fallen into that grand scheme of my delusional life.  Things and people I thought were there seem to be fading away.  Life happens and friendships and plans melt away like icicles.  In my reality my life seems perfect.  On the inside things are melting away.....figuratively speaking.  My life is an open book for many things, but somethings are too intimate to share with the entire world.  Just know that teenagers are so tough to raise......learning that one first hand as we speak.  The life you thought was around you is nothing but a shadow of the one that you truly wish to have.  Perfection is a myth, one that I would love to discover.  There are times that you sit in a crowded room surrounded by people and yet seem so alone.  To others you are the one that is all put together, from head to toe.  To you it's the way you HAVE to be, for you.  To cover your feelings of insecurity  from others, but mostly from yourself.  To put on that perfect face to cover your sorrow and fears.....  The people that you once surrounded yourself in are no longer at a fingers tip reach, a stone throw away........always a phone call away, but with busy hectic lives.  You are too busy convincing yourself that you don't need them, to see that now is when you need them the most.  There are friendships that have been lost, in the back of your mind that you truly was all in your palm of your hand at one time and now it's up in the air.  While others were able to move on you waited, listened to everyone else say why no to, when you should have listened to yourself why TO!!  Because you need someone!!  There will always be those tried and true people who will never go out of your life, those that would move heaven and earth to help you.  People who even though they aren't blood family are more so than other people you have known your entire life.  Life is really tough alone.......make sure you have someone to walk with you........

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Our job as parents is to raise our children, as we find a respectable way to do so.  Some families find a simplistic way and some take the straight and narrow path laid in front of them as their generations before them have done. It's the one job that has no clear cut description on how to build.  It's our lives, our wisdom we choose to spread to our children.  But this is where I can a concern, what wisdom is being spread......

My 7 year old recently came home from school only to tell me, quite mistrude, that her "friend" Minnie (not her real name) told her somethings about our family, that clearly had been from her parents. Things that from my memory are untrue~it was 7 years ago and sometimes my memory fades, but that's beside the fact.

As parents we must realize that our children hear EVERYTHING we say.....the good, bad and everything in-between!!  Children are born innocent, we as parents and grandparents are the ones to build our children.  We provide the pieces in their minds, we build the person that they are going to grow to be.  If we are going to talk in the privacy of our own homes about other people's lives that's what it should remain, private.  The innocence of a child knows not what is right and what is wrong.  They say what they hear, not afraid of hurting those people involved.  If we so choose to discuss things of a private nature in front of our children then they should be taught there are things that we share outside of the house and things that never leave the house.  I understand we are all human and things sometimes slip out, but remember those little slips can and most likely will hurt someone else.  I know I had a sweet 7 year old girl that thought she had done something wrong.....:(