Thursday, October 11, 2012

Just Me!!

So I just had my (last ever) birthday on Tuesday~turned 31!!  :)  So I thought maybe I should do a list of 31 things about me~might take me a little time to think on this one so bear with me!!  lol

1.  I was born and raised in Mitchell County~in Osage, IA.  Only moved from my childhood farm to the current house that I am living in.

2.  I grew up with one biological brother~whom used to punch me in the face just to see what color the blood was!!  (might be reason to understand how I have developed such a high pain tolerance!)

3.  I have 2 step sisters and 1 step brother.  When my parents got divorced the sisters and I were besties and thought it would be so awesome to be sisters~kinda wishful thinking that we "set up" our parents~pretty sure we didn't have much to do with that!!  ;)

4.  I grew up on a farm surrounded with horses, chickens, ducks, occasional cow, goat or pig here and there!

5.  I love to read when I have the time~usually a magazine type of person now that I am "grown" but did finish the 50 Shades series~LOVE THEM!!

6.  When I was growing up my dream was to become a veterinarian~love to help out on the farm with the animals~helped castrate my horse once and sew a prolapse on a pig!!  lol

7.  My love of animals grew on in my children as 3 of the 4 want to go into a field dealing with animals~Tessa wants to be a rock star!!

8.  My favorite color is purple~my kitchen walls reflect my love of the color~have accents of purple all over the house.  At one point I even had a purple car~until I found out I was pregnant with Tessa~too many kids for a little car (no one wanted to ride in the trunk)

9.  I am addicted to Facebook~I spend a lot of time on there~love to see what is happening in the world!!  Love to catch up with friends and it's also a great place to catch freebies!!

10.  Freebies are my way of life~gotta love coupons!!  I am a tight wad~save $$ where you can!!

11.  As with a favorite color there is always a color we despise~mine happens to be yellow~look at a yellow marker~when you cross over another color the tip gets all icky then it's ruined~never colors the same.  (my dad recently found is aversion to the color yellow while drawing on the dry erase board at work!!)

12.  I hate going under an overpass on the road~with the size of the trucks or trains over head it's only a matter of time when something goes boom!!  :(

13.  I love to write~hence the blog~in school I loved English class (the teacher in his Levi's didn't hurt) love to be able to express my words on paper.

14.  I love to craft~sewing is an outlet for me~being creative is my way of screaming at the top of my lungs without actually having to scream!!

15.  Family is very important to me~without family where would you be??  For a while my family didn't have the annual Christmas/Thanksgiving~so my step-sister and I decided that it was a must!!  We try to get together a few times a year.

16.  In my family (including the step kids) there are a total of 5 kids~15 little kids.  That turns into a lot of people~hence the other reason we had to add on to our house!!  lol

17.  Within those 15 little kiddo's there are 4 girls who are all with in 9 months apart!!  Hannah, Jessica, Allison and Madeline.  When those girls get together it's like no one else in the world even exists!!  But that's what cousins do.

18.  Favorite food would have to be any fruit in general~love watermelon and strawberries!!

19.  I have very few friends~I mean TRUE friends.  The ones that have stuck around through a lot of stuff!!! Vanessa, Jamie and Morgan would have to be it!!  Then there are newly acquired friends~whom I am still building with!!

20.  I am thinking right now thank god I'm not 40 or 50~cause this is harder than I thought it would be!!  lol

21.  I would love to sky dive someday!!  I think the thrill of free falling would be awesome~if I don't pee my pants on the way down.

22.  Family traditions are also important to me~there is a plate that hung over the kitchen/bathroom door when I lived at home~it said "I'm not a slow cook~I'm not a fast cook~I'm a half fast cook" When I moved out I took that plate and you probably guessed it~it hangs over my kitchen door.  :)

23.  Every Christmas my grandma, my mom and I would make sugar cookies at my grandma's house.  With her recipe~I still make those cookies with the very same recipe with my girls.  It was one time that I felt whole and it was a great memory which I hope to pass on to my girls.  And who doesn't love to smother things in sprinkles!!

24.  I was a cheerleader in High school~from 8th grade to 11th grade~only quite because I had a baby and didn't have the time to commit.  While~that same baby I was pregnant with decided this year to become a cheerleader!!  She must have absorbed some of the cheer in-uturo??  lol

25.  I weigh in at a whole soaking wet 123 pounds~probably the least I have weighed since high school~before kiddos.  Not that weight matters to me~I used to be a little heavy for my frame size after having babies~tried to work out and it just wasn't my thing.  lol  Not fond of sweating!!  So I finally become to realize it's not your size that you need to be happy with~it's YOU!!  You can't change the you on the inside and until the you on the inside is happy then the you on the outside!!

26.  I have never voted~I know I should but I just don't care!!  lol  I hate to follow everyone around listening to the promise of changing something that really they don't have much control over!!  And in return for not voting I don't complain about the choices and decisions that the law makers make.  If I don't have a hand in voting then I don't have the right to complain!!

27.  I am a true and loyal friend ~kinda sound like a dog!!  lol  I will go to bat for my friends~I have been slammed in the past several times for sticking up for a friend.  I generally don't have the whole story when I butt in but if your dissin' my friend you have to take on an army!!

28.  I met my husband when I was 16~he had dated a friend of mine and when they broke up he decided to move on to the next friend!!  lol  No~that's not how it really worked.  Ya know when your friend has a boyfriend and they break up and you think he's crushin' on you but you don't want to intrude~after all she is your friend (bro's before hoes?)  Well actually we grew up together and him and his brother used to come over to my house~our dad's knew each other.  :)  I was the icky girl with cooties then!!

29.  That same boyfriend (only the 4th I had) became my husband~never even held hands with anyone else.  :)

30.  That very same boyfriend (now husband) got me pregnant at the age of 17!!  Would I change that now........well........just kidding!!  NO!!  I am a firm believer that your past shapes who you are, your past is there for a reason.  It might not always be a reason that you understand or even like but it shapes who you are.  You change and develop according to your past.

31.  I LOVE MY LIFE!!  As stated above~would I change anything.......maybe.  There are always relationships that you wish had gone smoother or some that you wish weren't even part of your life.  But you have to take what lies in the road.  Life is not meant to be easy~there are supposed to be bumps and holes in the road.  :)  I have learned to love myself and not care so much about what others think about you.  I grew up being teased by some horrible people~they used to call me Monkey Girl and throw banana's at me.  When I got pregnant they said my brother was the daddy because no one else would want me.  I now realize that those people had some deep issues~I really hope they work through those before they decide to repopulate!!  But it's the past that makes us who we are~without those people I would not be as strong as I am today!!  I would like to thank those idiots for their actions~but ~say that to me now and you'll get your ass kicked!!  :)

Well.......31 is here~and actually I think I could be 40-50!!  Once you start going it's pretty easy to think of more.  Sorry if I bored you somewhere along the way!!  lol  I'm sure I've missed all of your birthday's along this ride~but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

feel free to leave comments for me!!  :)

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