Thursday, October 18, 2012

On a whim.....

I'm sure everyone does things on a whim.....something that you have been thinking about doing, always wanted to do but always seem to chicken out?!  Well.....I have always wanted to donate my hair to the Locks of Love program.  With the thousands of men and women fighting cancer it only felt like the thing to do.

I had my breast exam yesterday~thankfully everything went perfect~although the doctor was less than thrilled to see such a young woman in the office.  I explained my history and she saw the relevance in my presence there but was just unnerved.  I had no problem being there~it is my life and my breasts that we are talking about!!  lol  I even got a very yummy sugar cookie!!  But as I sat in the waiting room across from me was a older woman with a scarf wrapped neatly around her head.  I would assume~maybe not~but she had been undergoing some sort of treatment.  I had talked to a very sweet woman a month or so back that had undergone breast cancer treatments and had lost her hair.  She made comments that my hair was so very pretty~I didn't think anything about it but thanked her.  She continued to tell me about how her hair used to be and how her grand daughter questioned the hats she wore.  I could only imange.  My hair was my shelter~my something to hide behind.  It was easy to cover myself.  So as I sat yesterday watching this woman, I noticed that she kept touching her head and decreatly glance out of the corner of her eye at me.  Not sure what intrigued her with me but it made me stop and think.  Was her hair once flowing down her body~what color was is once??  And as I logged onto Facebook this morning and saw yet another friend had donated her hair I thought this was it~today is my day.  I summoned every ounce of courage in my body and dialed the phone number to the hair salon.  My heart was racing and fingers shaking~the young gal answered the phone.  She wanted to know when I would like to come in~RIGHT NOW!!  lol  Before I chicken out!!  Right after I picked my youngest up for preschool~perfect!!  I had someone to destract me!!  :)  Long story short (no pun intended) I went into the building with long hair and came out with short hair.  No tears even. 

Before my cut~my hair has always had red undertones in it.

After the cut and a new color.  :)

I can't help but think that my security that I have held so tightly onto for the past 5 years will help someone else with their own insecurity.  I know that I can make a huge difference in someones life who is battling cancer but I hope I can change someone's day~make them smile for even one second.  That is my hope.

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