Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Back Stabbing.......

I always thought that people who liked to start drama had nothing else better to do~otherwise why would they start drama!?  But why do these people always feel the need to drag us dog tired people into their shit??  Once again I am the topic of discussion~am I a back stabber??!!  I would like to think NOT!!  But I guess if you classify me going to bat for you up against someone that I don't even know all that well being a back stabber then I guess I'm guilty as sin.  I am a tried and true friend and all I generally get is kick in the shin for doing so.  :(  People feel the need to start drama that I am a terribly bad person that can not be trusted~this is the same person that has never been pulled over by the police (knock on wood!), I own and operate a childrens toy crafting in-home business and make and donate rag quilts to the NICU for the sick babies.  Guess I have a pretty good cover if I'm truly a bad ass!!  lol

Why are people so caught up in revenge??  Why can't people just let issues die??  Many people wonder why they have health issues~stop stressing out over pointless shit and that might help!!  I know I am a nervous person~I get caught up in way too much then I get sick.  So I had made up my mind that I'm not going to care as much as I had.  But when it comes right down to it that is impossible for me to do.  :(  I guess I care too much about the people around me and what is happening in their lives to just throw the towel in.  But it down right pisses me off to the point that flames should shoot out of my ears when people drag me into their pointless, endless drama.  I truly count these people as my sisters (yes I am talking about women~I know women and drama??) and then they decide that they don't know who they can trust so they just completely shut down??  Not sure that I am the one with the issues here.............

I think women have it the worse~first "Kim" is best friends with "Nancy" then "Julie" comes to town and "Kim" introduces "Nancy" to "Julie" and now what do you know "Nancy" and "Julie" go out for lunch and "Kim" gets pissed off at both of them!!  lol  But if "Nancy" or "Julie" confront "Kim" she says nothing is wrong.  I have had this happen to me~but the only difference is the gal came to me and asked if I cared that they were friends with the other person!!  I admire them~I didn't care one bit~we were all friends in the first place so what difference does it make??  I think we are all adults~and if you are that insecure that you have to own your friends then you need to make an appointment to have that checked out.  We are free to speak to those we choose.

We live in a world that people are fighting for our freedom~getting killed daily to defend people they don't even know.  We also live in the day that teens with issues decide when they wake up that day to walk into the school and open gun fire on those in their path.  And yet people still get hung up on the fact that "Nancy" and "Julie" are friends??  Wow......I think people need to open their eyes and see the bigger picture sometimes.  Friends are not an essential part of life~yes they make the ride better along the way~but they are not required.  I believe as long as you are happy in the relationships that matter (marriage and family) not much else should really be of concern.  But we live in a world that people think too much so I'm pretty sure that will never change.

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