Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Running a little behind......

So I would like to take a moment to apologize for the lack of posting for the last little bit.  Life got super busy and I fell a little bit behind.  But....I would like to share with you what has been going on since we all last spent a few minutes together on your screen!!

So first off I have been sewing like my pants are on fire For the Love of Grace~our last donation was on March 3rd~ 9 girls and 7 boys blankets were donated :) The entire family was able to make the trip to donate.  So I have been cutting and laying out more blanket sets to just sew away one of these days.  https://www.facebook.com/pages/For-the-Love-of-Grace/106471102858690

Also on the list of busy times are craft shows for Cuddle Time Cloth Books~always busy on the weekends~and try to sneak in some time to sew up books to sell.

But the latest news on this side of the keyboard has been some new additions to the family.....

 We have taken on the task of bottle feeding these adorable little puppies.  They belong to my dad and step-mom~the mother of the puppies got sick and needed some medical care~so with her not being up to nourish these little cuties I was the next in line.  My step mom called me one Wednesday morning sounding very upset.  I quickly called her back to see what was going on~she filled me in on everything and asked if I would be willing to take on this huge task.  Why not??  When my step mom left my house day I felt my heart break for her~as she headed for the door you could see her heart in her hand.  I'm not the huggy type of person but my heart was in puddle for her.  I told her to turn around and gave her a hug.  And as we stood in my porch she began to sob and shake uncontrollably and I understood.  She was afraid of the future for them and their mother.  I promised her that I would fight for them. I took care of Mr. Squeeky and he turned out alright......so we took off to bottle feeding them, which proved to be a challenge all in it's self.  lol  The had no idea how to go about nursing on this foreign object so we had to take it nice and slow.  I worried that they weren't getting what they needed~upon the first puppy poop on the floor I rejoiced!!  Sounds strange to be happy about poop on you floor but that meant that they were getting what they needed and that made me very happy.  So I was happy to let them poop away!!  lol

When they first came to my house to stay they were 2 1/2 weeks old.....now they are 4 1/2 weeks old and eating like champs.  They are starting to act like little dogs.  lol  There are 2girls and 1 boy~the little guy likes to sit and whine (typical man?) until you give him some attention.  They are so very cute, they are just learning how to play with each other and learning that they have a voice~which just so happens to sound a little bit like a squirrel!!  Still adorable. 
Sleeping makes them appear to be little angels.......let me tell you they are so very far from angels.  lol  But if asked again to take on this task I would still have to say yes sir.  To me there is nothing more rewarding than taking on a challenge that you have never faced before and coming out on the top.  When my dad called me one night I remember him saying that the puppies dying was not an option......I never thought it was.  I never once thought that I couldn't do this~even at midnight when I had to force them to eat during that first week~I never gave up.  As they snuggle up to you and fall asleep in your arms there is a feeling that washes over you~I did this....I saved them from the unknown.  I was saddened to hear that their mother passed away just a day after I took them into my home and into my heart.  I know how much a pet becomes part of your home~my heart broke for my dad and step-mom.  I have been down the road of uncertainty with Squeeky~that is the main reason I was the first choice for these little cuties.  My dad knew that I would do my best and give my 1000% to make sure they grew up to be yappy little dogs.  lol

So that takes us up to the last few days.....but my house is a ZOO!!  As you all know we also have 4 adult cats......well this morning we added 3 babies to that list!!

 There are 2 little black and white babies and a calico.  I was just making the comment the other day how Callie (the mama) had never had a black and white baby.  Her mama was black and white and her grandma was black and white and her brothers were black and white but she never carried that on.  Guess I stuck my foot in my own mouth.  lol  and we still have one mama to have babies yet~should be anytime.  :)

So as you can see my life hasn't slowed down for a minute~and probably won't anytime soon.  And that's okay with me if it doesn't.  :)  What would I do with free time on my hands??  Maybe I should start a list.......wonder how far that would get me.  lol  But I hope to be back on a little bit more often.  Sorry for the lost time.  <3

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