Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Having a little Faith

So anyone who really knows me knows that I am full of compassion and love for pretty much anything with 4 legs.  lol  Hence the taking on bottle feeding 3 puppies~whom are doing quite will I must add!!  Starting to eat solid dog food now~they run EVERYWHERE in the house!!  So anyways, I just can't turn my back on something that needs help~would you walk away from someone laying in the street with a broken leg??  In the aftermath of the  Boston marathon you would think more people would grow a little more compassion for others.  I have to say~I lean more towards the animal way to dish out much needed help.  We as human's should be able to ask for help that we might need.  I know I hate to ask for help but if it's the only way I will buckle down and do it no matter how my pride feels.  But when you find a pet or any animal hurting (visual signs as pet generally don't show pain) you try to do as much as humanly possible to help them right??  I know sometimes I go above and beyond the call of duty~but that is just the way my heart is.......

So in our messed up little kitty world ( I posted last time about the brand new baby kittens we have) we have our first issue with one of them.  lol  I make it a daily point to check on them and make sure that they are all thriving and give their mama a much needed break.  Checking on them Saturday night my husband noticed the little calico one had a wound on the left side of her head~just a small finger tip size owie.  Then there were 2 much smaller spots behind the larger one~thought maybe she had gotten scratched and thought not much about it, her mama would take care of it.  Well.....my little girls came running down stairs yesterday (Monday) and said there was something really wrong with her head.  I thought they were just over reacting but I went up to check on her just to make sure.  What I discovered made my stomach churn......almost the entire left side of her fur and skin were GONE!!  There was a dull white matter which I was certain was her skull.......so I freaked out and told the girls to load up in the van and we rushed her to the oh so too formular vets office.    I shook as I drove~this little girl wasn't even a week old~I knew there was nothing they would be able to do for her.  But I was just hoping for some answers and some guidance on what to do for her.  Upon walking in to the vet office door they looked at her and said to bring her back, the vet was puzzled as to what might be happening.  He asked all the questions I had running though my head~did someone hurt her(other cats in the house), was she hurt when her mama moved her after birth(she was never moved~born in the same space she lives in), and more that I can't bring to the surface right now.  It was just a puzzle that we didn't have all the pieces to.  I asked if he had ever seen anything like this before and he shook his head and my heart sank.  That means we have no idea what we are dealing with.  But the conclusion we can make is that she had some sort of trauma to her skin on the head which resulted in some sort of infection that is eating away her skin and fur.  He gave me the name of an medication to put on her twice a day  to stop the infection from spreading and help it to go away.  So we run to the local Dollar Store to find the medication they vet had written down for us~and as typical children, Grace is wanting to buy some candy~I was preoccupied and told her no very sternly~which the cashier gave me a very dirty look for.  So Grace took a few steps ahead of me and stared at the candy in front of her~all of a sudden she snaps her head up and gets this grin on her face and starts to yell MOM, MOM......I'm thinking now what??  lol  But in her hand was a $20.00 bill that she had found laying on the candy shelf......the girl has some luck in her blood.  She handed me the money with a little help, then said can we use this to pay for the kitty to get better??  About broke my heart into a million pieces.  I take things as signs~and I have to say this was certainly a huge one to me.  So we walked back out to the van and thought about what a miracle this was and in my heart I know this little kitty is going to make it though this.  Sometimes you can feel the force of something pushing you to do everything with in your power to save the impossible.  The vet really couldn't tell us what her outcome might be~he has never in his life seen something like this.....so my heart broke knowing that he can't tell me yes she will be okay~he's not so sure himself.  :(  So on our short drive home the girls and I were talking and brainstorming names for this little gal~I vote Miracle and the girls vote Faith........I think Faith has won!!  lol  I just felt the strong desire to name her~for if something (god forbid) happens to her she will have had a name and know that the little girls in this house did love her~she did matter.  I think living things deserves to die knowing they were loved~even if it's as something small as a 6 day old kitten.

So we applied her medication on her head, which her mama quickly licked off and made bleed.......so we needed a new plan of attack.  A friend on Facebook commented that maybe something to cover her head.  We have tried a few things and are still looking for that perfect cover but we have not stopped looking.  As a matter of fact I think I need to make a road trip 20 miles down the road to the store that has just what I need.  :)  I didn't sleep very well last night, worried about Faith and how her mama was treating her~the vet said there is the possibility that her mama may reject her in the case then I become her mama and bottle feed her.  Good thing I've had a little practice with that.  lol  So waking up early I made my way into where the little furry family are living~not sure what to expect.  I find the blue bandage laying in the corner of the tote and Faith on the other end......mama picked it off.  BUT, her skin seems to be looking better to me....not as much of her skull is showing so maybe over the night we were able to stop the infection from moving and killing more of her skin.  :)  She's a little warm to the touch but hard to tell when mama lays on ya.  ;)

So as I tell people about little Faith (and many know my history of taking on impossible animal situations) most think I am crazy........that I must run some sort of zoo within my home.  It might look that way on the outside but on the inside my home is full of energy, wither it's puppies playing on the rug, or sleeping on someones jacket or the cats chasing each other around the table and up the steps and back down and around, we are always busy.  It's the quite moments that bother me, when everyone is sleeping peacefully.  When the animals are up running that means they are happy and full of life and they enjoy where they are.  A sick animal lays still.......so yes maybe I do run a zoo, but it's full of love and happy pets.  They are all family to us and I would give my last breath for anyone within that circle~yes even a pet.  I might be crazy but there is nothing better than proving the impossible is possible.  :)  Someone asked me what am I teaching my kids~his wife told him to think about that.........I am teaching them that no matter how small and insignificant things may seem everything matters in life.  I am teaching them that you can nurse something from the edge of death and bring it back and smile every time it touches you.  I am teaching my children to have HOPE and FAITH!!

I'll post some pic's of Faith.....just know that they are a little graffic so if you don't want to see it please stop here and have a great day.  And if you have a moment, say a little prayer for Faith..........

 This is Faith's head on day 1 of treatment~the white showing is her skull.
Faith and her mama, Calli.  Her mama loves her and is protecting her.  :)

This is Faith's head on day 2 of the treatments, I think there is less of the skull showing and more skin and tissue growing over.  :)  Hoping so anyways.  Maybe I am just seeing what I want.  lol  Faith is 1 week old today.

UPDATE***I am so sad to have to update this with the news that I have......Faith made her journey up to Heaven when she was a mear 15 days old.  Her mama moved her and decided that it was time to end her pain and suffering~when she passed away she was with her mama and her siblings surrounded by love.  The night she passed away the girls had church~so I took the quite moment to show Faith around the yard where she would never be able to see.  I took her to the back yard so she could hear the birds sing~showed her the flowers and let her feel the sunshine.  The sky clouded over as we went into the house~a while later it began to rain~and the sun shone so brightly in the sky as the rain fell.....a rainbow appeared.  I ran up to her and said "Faith, the sun is shining~for you!!  There is a rainbow so beautiful in the sky.  It's okay now...." and later when the girls came home she had passed away.......<3

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