Friday, August 23, 2013

Making NEW Choices....:)

So the most popular post I have made thus far has been "choices".....Life is full of choices........each choice you make determines every second, minute, hour, day, week, month and year of our lives. Make sure when you make that choice it's something that you can live with and not regret. ♥ Well.....that blog was obviously focused on the relationship (or lack there of) with my mom.  I have news to report on that front.  :)  My mom came to visit over the summer~making her trip from Florida to stay with a friend here in town for a short time.  I wasn't sure what to make of things in the beginning to be honest, there had been a long time that we hadn't spoken and I wasn't sure how that first meeting would go.  I frantically cleaned like a mad woman~maybe my way of trying not to spaz out, not that it really mattered~she was here to see us not the house. lol  She was staying just down the road from our house and the kids spent most of that day waiting for a strange car to pull in the driveway so they could run down to finally meet their grandma. Their first meeting for 3 of them.
They spotted the car they thought might be her and rode their bikes down to take a peek.....on their way back to our house I noticed they had a visitor.  :)  My heart raced but I really couldn't explain why....she is my mom, not some stranger.  Well in some sorts she was~we had lost many years that we both grew and well, sometimes those things change people.  So my mom walked into the house and we stood~looking at each other, then finally embraced with a much needed long hug.  It felt amazing to finally be at peace........

That first day was a blur, showed her the house, as we had added on and remodeled since she had visited 12+ years ago.  We talked A LOT and shared favorite memories from the past.  It really didn't seem like much time had passed at all.  Nothing really had changed from all those years ago when we visited frequently, just more kids to hear scream.  lol  ;)  Physically we were the only things that had changed~ we had grown older. (and wiser??)

The summer went by too fast and my mom (and my step-dad) had to return to Florida in early July~the kids were bummed that Grandma had to go but know that she will me coming back.  Yes, my mom is moving HOME!!  Exciting news!!  :)

Many people have asked me why forgive and forget??  Well, it's not so much the forgetting that solves things, it's the forgiveness that needs to come first.  I personally believe that one needs to be happy in their life~I was always missing something in my life.  I knew that was my mom, my daughter's grandma.  Always a missing piece that I wondered if I would ever find again.  Thankfully with some hard work it was possible to find that piece and restore that part of my life.  I understand that sometimes relationships just can't work anymore~but I think that the most important thing that anyone can do is know that it's ok if they didn't.  It's no ones fault~things are sometimes better apart than they are together.  There are times that people need to pick up their lives and carry on~I'm not a big fan of baggage so leave all that crap behind.  :)  Baggage weighs you down and no one wants that in their lives right?!  For me, my entire life revolves around my family~I want my girls to grow up loved by as many people as they possibly can.  My life was good as a child~not perfect but as wonderful as it could be.  I want them to have everything that I did and more~that includes my parents as their grand parents.  So I make the choice to make these relationships work!!  And that might be hard~but anything worth having is worth working for too right??  There are many more years and many more memories to make......

 Eating at Banaza for Haley's 14th birthday.  Grandma mentioned it was her birthday so she got a little happy birthday song.  lol  Haley LOVED it!!  Grandma's 1st actual "Grandma" act.  :)

My mother......:)

My step dad, Bruce.  :)

My mom and Allie, I promise she not choking her!!  lol  Allie had a very long day and was pooped out.  :)

Who says Grandma's can't rock the Mohawk??  lol

I think the biggest event during the time of my moms visit was getting together with my brother and his family.  We had a few get together's~felt amazing to have all of the pieces back together again.  On Mother's Day I had all of my family (minus Bruce) together.  My dad, step-mom, mom, and brother.  <3 

So finally in closing~I'm not sure even if I do say this it will matter to many of you.  If "Choices" made something in you question anything, please do some sole searching and examine some of your choices.  I know too many of us give up too quickly and have regrets, but tomorrow is not promised to all of us.  I am done with having regrets and wishing I would have's.  I am doing~not putting off.  So if there is any way to make peace with a choice that you have made please try to do that.  Even if it's telling the person that you can't heal a relationship with that it's over~make that choice to heal yourself.  I promise it will be the best choice you have ever made.  <3 <3

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