Friday, January 29, 2016


We might just be considered CrAzY!!  Yep.....we are that family!!  We have officially added to our family!!  There is the pitter patter of 4 feet added to our house!!  Yep you guessed it......A PUPPY!!

We had a family pooch that passed away a few years ago, his name was Ruger and he was the sweetest guy you could ever ask for....we got him from an ad in the newspaper for free.  His owner was looking for someone to spend more time with him, at that time we had a very active toddler (Haley) who was 18 months old and Ruger was a mere 11 months old.  It was a match made in Heaven, they were soul mates, pals to say the least.  Ruger was definitely not a house dog, he was black and chocolate lab mix.  He got very sick in the winter of 2011 and ended up with kidney and liver failure so the best thing for him was to be put down.  It was one of hardest things I have ever had to do.  Haley and I stayed with him as the vet administered the medication that would take away all of his pain and suffering.......we watched him take his last breath and close his eyes, we stood there crying but knowing it was what was best for him.  We couldn't be selfish because we wanted him to stay with us, we loved him more than that......
right before we took our beloved boy to the vet to be put down....... <3 
We waited so long to add to our family, no one could ever take Rugers place in our hearts, that was going to have to be the most amazing dog EVER!!  In the spring of 2015 I was toying with the idea of a dog.....I missed the walks and the companionship of a dog....we just had to convince my husband that this was a good

Mother's Day weekend, May 9th to be exact we were at a hillbilly swap meet and there was a tote of adorable puppies.....I knew I was in for trouble.  3 of the girls were up with my family while Grace and I stood black with a little white puppy stuck out to us.....we went over and played with him, a sweet little guy.  I had to walk away.......I quickly found my dad and asked him what he knew about lab/terrier mix dogs, then I showed step mom went over and picked him up and he quickly began giving his now famous "kisses"

We chatted with the owner, learning that they weren't 100% sure what his daddy was.  He was adorable!!  With no thought at all I reached in my pocket and paid her the $25.00 that she was asking and scooped up this puppy.....we started walking to the girls and told Grace not to say anything.  As we got closer my heart started pounding anticipating their reaction.....Grace walked ahead and the girls turned around.  My brother's girlfriend said something about what a cute puppy and the girls FLEW around....I was attacked!!  "is he ours"  "do we get to keep him"  "does Dad know?"  Millions of questions came rumbling out of their mouths.........and the fight began as to who got to walk him around........we quickly found a vendor with a small collar and a lead to "walk" him....I say "walk" because it was more of a drag at that point than anything......the girls were in love....... <3

the night we got him.....such a little guy......
the first day the girls went back to school......bought him this pillow for "large dogs"  lol  he can't even fit on it anymore.....

We called my husband when he got off of work and he came to the swap to meet up with us.....he wasn't too mad, but excited would be lying.......yes, I kinda rushed into this whole idea....but if you stand there thinking too much about it; the time will completely pass you by.  We had to buy him food, a kennel and all of the other necessities he needed.

That first day the girls went back to school was tough for him.....he laid by me waiting for them to come home......

We take Piv on walks when the weather works with proves to be a challenge as he more walks you than you  We are slowly learning....... ;) Although one day when we got home this is what happened......
Piv in the pond........taking a chill

So you might ask where Pivot's name came's a derby reference!!  The girls have become involved in Roller Derby (future post) so we want to make him part of that. A few explanations of what a Pivot is......

  "The pivot is also a blocker. A blocker's job is to get her jammer through the pack while blocking the opposing jammer. Blockers must be able to play offense and defense, often at the same time. There are 5 skaters on the track (per team): a pivot, 3 blockers, and a jammer."

Pivot - The pivot blocker wears a helmet cover with a stripe on it. She generally starts at the first starting line and serves as the leader of her teammates playing in that jam. As most teams play the pivot position at the front of the pack, she is also often the last line of defense to stop the opposing jammer from escaping the pack.

We thought about naming him Derby but it just didn't seem right, and when I was on line I seen another dog name Derby so we wanted something pretty original, I think Pivot hits his mark. The girls have taken him out skating with them, that was quite the challenge but Haley had fun with tying his rope around her waist and letting him run with her......they crashed but no one was hurt!!  :)

My derby team!!

Over all, Piv has become a welcome part of our family.....besides his biting and  we have yet to get his BIG snip and get those claws taken care of....but he is a spoiled boy to say the least!!  <3

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