Friday, May 6, 2016

dropped the ball..... you can clearly see I've dropped the ball on blogging.....nothing in April.  I would like to have some great reason as to why, but  I would be lying if I comes right down to it, I was lazy!!  Not anything all that spectacularly great happened either......just my boring life.  The girls are gearing up for school to wrap up another year at the end of the month, then the craziness of summer vaca begins!!  Updated to Windows 10 and I HATE IT!!  messed up all of my pictures so that will be a full week of fixing stuff there...... >.<   Not like I have anything else to do right?!

I am honestly at a loss of what to even talk about today....I should be sewing as I have a large show, here I go.  I'm hoping to get back on track next week (fingers crossed)  Maybe I will have some awesome to tell you, but don't hold your

Until next time.......

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