Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Hey, Hey, Hey.....look who's back!!

So, it's been a little bit of time since I last blogged....it has been so difficult to not come on there and share my life with the few people who visi.  But with things the way they were I was told not to share the place in my life I was at, my grandma had passed away and I was trying to find a way to deal with what I was feeling.....not real easy for someone who always has something to say but afraid to say it.......  I posted photos that I thought might help myself and for some reason that drastictly backfired on me!!  So for a time I was told not to post about my personal life as someone was using it against my family, see, the thing is this is MY BLOG.....  I respect the man who told me to hold my tongue so in respect I haven't posted anything since.  I had hoped that as time passed and feelings calmed down I might be able to move on with posting my personal stories on here for you guys, I have never gotten the go ahead so I'm not even sure I should be here today........  But, I feel like if you have nothing better to do than spy for selfish reasons then so be it, come and read all about it....make sure you print and highlight again....just don't leave anything out!!  In all the time that has passed I hope that you have gained some closure in the loss that you suffered, I truly do.  You lost a mother, a friend.  Just remember that he lost a mother too, in a time that you needed each other you choose to turn YOUR back and create issues where you should have pulled together and loved each other,even for the moment, the day.  But for the sake of my blog, I'm done with this issue, so before you decide to print and highlight, please feel free to speak to me before doing so.....you have my e-mail remember??

    Anyways, now that a small point has been addressed (not that many people even know what's going on) I'm glad to be back!!  It's 2017 guys!!  I have  missed coming here and relieving some stress or sharing some happy times!!  There has been so much that has happened I don't think I can even remember it all!!  At current moment I'm supposed to be making out a monthly meal plan, but my grocery store flyers aren't loading on my computer so I wondered here......lol  I guess I will wait until my mail person graces me with the paper flyer in the mail. :)

     So there have been a ton of life events in the past months I've been MIA.....new tattoos, piercings, roller derby updates, broken growth plates, dance competition, death, even friendship ......  But hopefully I can get you guys up to speed in the next few months, which I'm sure will pile up more
amazing events!!

     So until next time, keep your stick on the ice and have a great day!!  And please feel free to leave comments!!

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