Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Germs and friendships

There are days in our lives that we just wish we could crawl into a dark tunnel and never come back out~well.....I've had a few of those.  lol  Between being sick (strep throat) and friends you're not sure you can trust I think if I went missing a few days that would be fine by me!!  As mothers have you ever noticed that the only thing that children ever share with anyone is their sickness??  It's true though........they don't share their toys, they don't share their food or treats and they just don't share anything that you would call your parents and say "hey, little Gracie shared her favorite stuffed monkey with little Tessa."  In a fantasy world we would be keep dreaming on that one!!  Instead they share their sticky, germ covered fingers EVERYWHERE!!  I'm the first one to love to hold hands with your sweetie walking down the street but come germ breeding season that must come to a halt.  No matter how many times you tell your precious little gems to wash their hands it just doesn't matter~mom is always the first to catch that sniffle or drippy nose. (at least in my house it is!)  Anyway, would you change your daily snuffles and sneezes for anything else, well........let me think about that one...........

And on to the friends, adults seem to need that adult language time with someone other than their toddler.  Someone who doesn't always talk about buggers, snot or farts (guess that leaves husbands out!)  lol  But that leaves us to turn to our group of best friends.  But it's hard to tell who will have your back~I know there are always people who will be there but sometimes ya just don't know.  You feel like you are part of a group and then the next thing you know your not invited to coupon swap or the coffee hour (even though I don't drink coffee) but it feels like high school all over again.  I don't know about any of you but I'm going to be 31 years old this fall and I don't need this drama anymore.  If I had time to sit and ponder genuine friendships well then we wouldn't be sitting here!!  I cherish by best friends~the real ones~ya know.  The ones that hung by your side when you told them you were pregnant in high school~the ones that know more about you than your spouse does.  Sometimes it feels great to have someone that you know will always answer your phone call~regardless of the time of night.  I know I have changed my way of thinking about friendships~who I deem my friends and the others I file away in to a folder marked "acquaintances."  So I challenge you to call up your best friend and recall old memories one of you might have forgotten~and make it a date~a weekly one!!

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