Friday, February 26, 2016


So here it is...finally FRIDAY!!  So as you may have guessed it by the title I did go through with my very first tattoo!! I am so excited!!  Yes I chose a weeny sized one but none the less it is still a tattoo!!  I guess I went with a small one for my first to make sure that I was going to be able to handle the  Yes I had 4 beautiful children without any pain medication but I think that is a little bit different!!  ;)

So my tattoo adventure began on Tuesday Feb. 23rd .  2 of my friends and I decided that we were going to go to Technicolor Tattoo in Mason City, IA for their $20.00 Tuesday special.....let me tell you; everyone and their dog was on board this particular day for this deal.....  We checked in around 5:15 and were told there would be about a 2 hour wait, no biggie....we would go do some shopping.  (we decided to go to Pure Pleasures {a sex store} and just walk around.  No harm in just goofing around)  We decided that we want to make sure that we were back with plenty of time so we headed back to the shop around 6:30......little did we know that it was going to be HOURS until a needle even touched our skin!!  I can't say that I am hugely upset.....yes, things in the shop should have been handled differently (there was a gentleman there getting the side of his head tattooed which took around 3-4 hours alone!)  In my opinion the larger tattoos should have been scheduled on a different day, but to each their own........  we watched people come and go, and we began to get a little mad......when was our turn!?  It was approaching 11:00 before we actually got to sit in t he chairs, we were the last people besides the artists to be in the shop that night, which closed at 9:00!!  So they went above and beyond to stay open for us!!  My friend Jamie and I both got the same artist, Jake.  He was super friendly and made both of us less nervous as it was our firsts!!  He laid the stencil on, and asked if we were ready......he slowly started with a small line and checked to see how I was doing.......I was actually doing great!!  lol   To describe how it felt would be difficult, as each person is different.  But I would say it's a lot like a bee sting repeating or if there are any of you that have ever touched an electric fence (to keep animals in) it's kinda like that.  Once he got close to my wrist bone it felt weird as my bone was  But I was amazed it wasn't nearly as painful as I thought it was going to be......yeah!!

So I guess there is going to be a long list of future tattoos made....there are already a few in mind.....

all done!!  :)

Friday, February 19, 2016


So I apologize, I missed last weeks blog....went shopping with my mom in Rochester!!  Had more fun than sitting at the computer

Anyways, it's been 2 weeks....not much in life has changed.  A few doctor appointments, selling Girl Scout cookies, Dance practices, 4-H meetings......and most of those are on Thursdays.....

I'm feeling a little blah today about writing this blog....not really sure where to go with it......just sitting here sipping my home made lactose free hot chocolate contemplating if I want to eat lunch with my husband today at the Chinese place we LOVE to go to......he asked me to so might have

We have a roller derby to go to this weekend so that is exciting!!  Always love to watch and support the River City Dames of Anarchy.... (there will be more info on roller derby in a future post) :)  Since we will be in Mason anyways we are planning on donating 20 rag quilts to the NICU for "For the Love of Grace."  (there is a post somewhere down here that talks about a little bit of For the Love of Grace~maybe I'll write an updated one sometime)

I'm honestly starting to run out of about the 4 of you that follow me leave some ideas in the comments about future blogs you would like to see!!  ;)

On this coming Tuesday the 23, a friend and I are going to get tattoos!!  My first one!!  Kinda a little bit worried it's gonna hurt (duh, it's gonna hurt!)  but hoping it's kinda like a piercing and won't be that  Thinking a little orange kitty on the inner part of my wrist...maybe next week will be that blog, or maybe not.....depends on the way things go........

The middle kitty standing up.......

Yeah,  I'm bored.....don't know what to write

My daughter's school is pissing me off.....Grace tells her teacher her ear hurts and needs an aspirin and he tells her it's not his problem!!  Huh??  Not your problem to help my child??  Really, that's news to me.......AND, when they have holiday parties they always have cheese and dairy filled items.  I haven't gone into too much detail about much since I kinda slacked MAJOR last year, but Grace, Tessa and I are all giving up dairy; as it causes major stomach upset, loose poop and all that fun stuff.  So at these parties she gets to sit and watch the other kids eat their treats and she get nothing.....thinking at conference time I'm going to mention it......

Yep, officially bored......colored my hair yesterday......went from purple to what was suppose to be dark brown~turned out almost's different.  I miss my purple hair though....why is it when you dye your hair it's so soft??  I like that!!!!

new hair blues......

hey.....I'm really a nerd!!  :)

Hey, I'm going to admit......I'm OCD!!  Never been diagnosed, but I'm no doctor to tell you that.  My closet is in rainbow order, my fabric is in rainbow order, I do things in even numbers......yeah.....please help  No it's good.....I like things just so.....unlike my house though, there are small piles, not huge messes but piles of like items.  Ask me what is in a certain pile and I can probably tell you where it's at......probably.....I'm kinda odd like that.  lol

yep, pointless blog direction!!  sorry about that....leave a comment about what to write, share me with your friends..... :)

Friday, February 5, 2016

Gator Gurl.....

So I wanted to do a short little ditty today......just wanted to give a quick shout out to one of my newest "followers".......this just so happens to be my 11 1/2 year old daughter!!  Allie found my blog on Google during one of her many hours on her I am honored that she takes the time from her busy day of playing baking and animal games to read what goes on in our lives from my point of view.  Although, I'm sure there are things that she disagrees with from time to time...... :)

So Miss Allie, what embarrassing things can I blast about you......?? hmmmm.....oh the things I could say, but I choose to not since the huge world of the web can come back to haunt you one day.  But the things I choose to say are maybe things that you should hear......
Allie with Mr. Pivot

You are so much smarter than you give yourself credit for.....I know you have a passion for reading, sometimes getting a book out of your hands is impossible.
being goofy!!

You have so much more courage than what you think you you sat on the bed last night and cried about being scared about your upcoming dance competition I tried to tell you......your team is AMAZING!!  You ladies have worked so hard and that is all that matters!!  You will go out there, do your thing and what happens on the floor stays on the floor!!  I am crossing everything on my body that can possibly be crossed that you ladies knock some socks off!!  I have confidence in you guys!!  Even if you don't bring home a ribbon, you have already done something have stood in front of hundreds of people and shown them your hard work and dedication for your passion.  You have worked too hard to worry now about something you don't need to!!  You know I'll be in the stands, with my heart in my throat, tears in my eyes, unable to breathe cheering you guys on!!  When the top places are announced I will applaud those first few and hold my breathe until they announce your teams name......I'm going big here!!
first dance competition 3 years ago....she still gets this look though.......

You are growing too fast into an amazing young girl....could you possibly slow down??  It seems not too long ago you were just learning how to walk and talk (the talking thing might be nice to revisit.....)  ;)  I miss the days you used to sit with me, quietly......  You turn 12 this year, so your last year to be an official pre-teen!!  I'm not sure I'm ready for this!!!
My Allie!!  <3

Most off I want to tell you that I love you!!  I probably don't tell you enough as I just assume that you already know that mushy stuff!!  <3  But I really do!!  To the moon and back, I would do (almost) anything for ya!!  So as you grow into a beautiful adult, please remember who you are and never change for ANYONE!!  I will always be your biggest fan cheering in the stands, holding my breathe waiting to hear your name......
the look I will probably get once she reads this........