Thursday, January 10, 2013

I might be CrAzY!!

Some people might call me crazy....others might call me passionate for a cause......whatever you call me is totally fine with me.   You see I have always been the sort of person that when I find something that I absolutely love I put my entire heart and sole into it.  Now if that makes me crazy then so be it.  When I fall in  love I fall hard and  deep~to me that is the only way.  There are few things in life that we go crazy for anymore and I mean crazy in a good way.  lol  ;)

I know my number one has and always will be my family.  I have put in too many (wo)man hours to ever throw in the towel.  Now don't get me wrong~I do believe that divorces are sometimes necessary~my parents divorced when I was young, it was never one of those messy divorces.  They were just no longer in love the way they once were~and I admire the fact that they both realized that and didn't grow to hate each other.  I just don't want to end up that way~when I said forever that is exactly what I meant~FOREVER!!  Now there will always be times that I second guess  my self and any decision I have made~and I think that is completely normal for everyone to second guess them selves~especially on the really big life changing events.  But would I ever buy that magical time machine and jet back and change it~~ABSOLUTELY NOT!!

 I have also been known to be a bit crazy about my much of a pain in the behind he has been he will always be my number one go to guy (as long as he is around)!!  I know that when I feel down he will come to me and snuggle~no questions asked~asking for nothing in return.  Now that is my dream man!!  ;)  He listens to my secrets and never spills a one........if he did I think we would move to Hollywood and pursue bigger dreams. 

But I have always been a firm believer that if you choose to take on the responsibility of a pet then you better be ready to take on everything that comes with them.  Never did I image that I would spend nearly the amount that I have on a CAT but I took on the choice to own him.  The moment he was born I fell in love with him just as I did with my own children.  The people that don't realize that,should be treated the exact way they treat their pets.  I have also been told that is the reason that people don't own a pet~they don't want to have to shell out the $$ to "fix" them or to go through the whole death plan with the kiddo's.  I can see if your child dislikes animals or has an allergy but to me it's all part of life.  Pets are the same as people~people are born into our lives and people exit our lives~not everything is meant to last forever.  I believe it's an important lesson for our children to learn!!  I know my kids 100% understand that things die~yes it hurts and you cry for weeks every time time you see their favorite toy but eventually it will be ok. 

When we put our 13 year old dog Ruger down in Dec. 2011 it was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do~the girls had grown up with him~we got him when my oldest was 18 months old and the other girls were "born to him"  For weeks I laid on the couch and cried~was physically sick to my stomach at his loss~but today we have a wall of family pictures and he is top and center on that wall.  Every Christmas we top our Christmas tree with his purple collar with his name engraved on it~the girls always say he is our personal angel.

 Anyways~I am probably the most crazy about my kids.  I might only weigh 117 pounds but believe me that if you mess with one of my girls I will look like a 300 pound sumo coming after you!!  We unfortunately live in a day and age that it's fairly common for children to come up missing.  That has always been my biggest fear when I became a parent.  So I am probably a little bit over protective on that respect but with good reason.  As much as we would all love to think that we live on a perfect planet that is filled with all kind and loving people that is just not true.  Kids come up missing walking home from school, playing at a friends house and even at school~one of the safest places you can think of.  I have always known in my heart that I would die if something happened to one of my girls.  I would gladly trade places with one of them if God forbid something happened to them.  In my mind I have lived a full life and have experienced enough of the world to be able to die happy~as where my girls are just starting out their lives.......I want them to grow old (hopefully I will be around to watch them) but I would trade in the blink of an eye if need be.

 I learned that becoming a parent makes you a selfless person, the moment my first child was placed into my arms much of the world didn't matter anymore.  She was all that I saw, all that I wanted to see.  I wanted to wrap my arms around her and never let go~now that she's 13 I'm sure she would LOVE that!!  lol  And the more children that I had the more intense that feeling becomes.  You wonder where all that love will come from and how it will all fit into your heart~but somehow it just does.

A year ago when  local 7year old little girl was hit by a vehicle while boarding her school bus~my girls sent their love to the family.

I'm sure there are so many things that I am crazy or passionate about that I just can't think of right now that really seem to matter. lol  I love the color purple and seem to have it everywhere~a little bit obsessive one might say.  But some obsessions are good obsessions right??  ;)

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